Fashion should be unique and personal. Here you can find my point of view on fashion and take part of it.

Exciting times

Publicerad 2015-01-06 08:03:05 i What I am

A new year!!!
Wop wop! ^_^
I know many people thinks that it's nothing special, a new year... it's just another day, night and just the Earth circulate around the star.
Just another breath taken from life.

Not for me.
I have never been big on "remaking" yourself. Making healthier and better person of yourself. But the year 2014 was the year when I started pushing myself, believing in myself.
I didn't changed anything big with myself, I just made myself more happy, by doing what made me happy.

Like this awesome video:
Sandshoot by Meno

I hope 2015 will be similar. That I still have the energy to push myself forward.

Explore... evolve.


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