Fashion should be unique and personal. Here you can find my point of view on fashion and take part of it.

The bedspread!

Publicerad 2016-01-25 17:42:17 i Custom orders

After some time away from this, I now feel like I'm back stronger and more energetic than before.
First of I would like to show you the amazing result of roughly 2 months work!
The bedspread!!!!
I think it looks amazing onto its new place! ^_^

Another one

Publicerad 2015-10-06 17:03:22 i Custom orders

My work needed another one of the purse to be able to show in the second store, located in Åkermyntan.
No funny business here (it's the same model of purse), just another kind of yarn and another kind of metal frame.
For those who like it more fluffy. ^_^


Petit blue purse

Publicerad 2015-09-23 13:28:00 i Custom orders

I got one assignment from work last week.
To make a sweet little purse and write instruction to it.
It was so that I overheard my boss when she was talking to another coworker about making a purse to show as inspiration to customers . But that she sadly didn't have any good instructions for it, and then...

You can now find my own design and instructions at Ejes Garn store.
(But only in Swedish; for now!)

Crochet shawl for the cool summer nights

Publicerad 2015-07-10 15:06:43 i Custom orders

The summer is good and warm. I'm always longing for it every year. (Summer in Sweden is pretty short and rainy, so yes, we Swedes get crazy when we get some sun.) But no matter how hot it is, on the summer night is always cooler, and after a hot day in the sun it's unavoidable to freeze a little in the evening. Then, on the late nice cool summer nights, a crochet shawl is perfect.

Beach dress

Publicerad 2015-06-26 10:18:57 i Custom orders

A colleague (from my part time work) asked for a crochet dress that she could wear on the beach this summer.
This is the result of that request, and I'm very pleased of the nice pattern.
The yarn created that pattern more than my mind. ^_^


The cutest thing!

Publicerad 2015-06-24 10:51:16 i Custom orders

My cousin went on a baby shower for a friend and asked me to crochet some sweet baby shoes.
I strongly believe this is the cutest little things I have ever made in my life!
(And I will, indeed, make more of this ones!) ^_^

A promised gift

Publicerad 2015-02-07 18:15:52 i Custom orders

I have, for a long time, problem impress my best friend with gifts for her birthday and other holidays.
It's a real big pain in the a## when she, every freaking year, finds good gifts for me and I have never been able to compare with them.
Haha, but this year I had my ears open and picked up that she liked a knitted pattern on a sweater we saw.
So I found yarn, and started on a sweater for her, with the pattern that she liked.
29th November... It took me a FREAKING month to finish it. (She got it on new years eve and in regular time it would only take me 2-3 weeks for making a sweater.)
Her reaction on when she got it...
I will never be able to give her anything better. Dame it!


Blue Wonder

Publicerad 2013-12-13 10:08:00 i Custom orders

I made this dress for a girl in my class.
I must say that the result, for me, is astounding!
The design and fabrics are her choice. But that I was able to make it to look the way she wanted it to be, is so good. I'm usually a little nerves when I'm making cloths for people and I'm not the designer, just the seamstress. I think it's because I have got some negative response on some of my work. All that disappeared when my friend tried the dress on and she got a BIG smile on her face.

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